Recent Activities

YOUNIB's environmental contribution: planting trees, inspiring youth

Rejefir > Blog > Recent Activities > YOUNIB’s environmental contribution: planting trees, inspiring youth

The destruction and degradation of our forests has many negative impacts on biodiversity, soils, water quality and the climate. In addition to the negative impact on the environment, the loss of native forests also strains local people’s connection to their natural environment and reduces the role that forests can play as an educational resource for young people.
The YOUNIB solution
With our Missiorganization, YOUNIB is combating the loss and degradation of our forests by reforesting some distances of land with native trees. Additionally, YOUNIB provides a hands-on learning opportunity for local primary and secondary students who help collect saplings, establish a native tree nursery and plant the new forest. In this way, YOUNIB restores the forest and strengthens the relationship of local young people with their natural resources.