Young people from YOUNIB KENYA revitalized by German youth. German youth inspired by young people from YOUNIB KENYA. Young Christians at the service of faith.
Words of gratitude cannot define the joy and hope that the aachen community, have impacted upon the Younib family in Kenya. To see hope, that our voices can and will be amplified for the Glory of God through our talents and abilities, brings a boost to our confidence, enabling us to serve the society even in times of suffering. For what is hope, if not believing in something which we do not see; and what is faith, if not believing that which seems impossible. The physical presence, entertainments as well as the advice given by the aachen delegates to the YOUNIB youths has brought a feeling of appreciation and motivation of self discovery to new levels, as we all progress in this journey of being ambassadors of Peace. We are still grateful to Bettina, Johannes D. Maya, Karine, Christopher and the other amazing aachen delegates the younib members met and interacted with.
The Younib youths in Kenya have been motivated more and more and have once again understood that Africa is a challenge to our intelligence, to our imagination, to our creativity. We must invent or perish!
The great director Pier Paolo Pasolini said in “Notebooks for an African Orestia” that: “the march of a people knows neither rhetoric nor delay. Its future is in the fever of the future. And this fever is in great hope.
Certainly ! Hope, tomorrow Africa! As long as we get to work. Right now ! MissYou (missioyounib) for the glory of God!